The integrity of our standard depends on a dedicated team of inspectors based in the countries where we have certification operations—India and Nepal—who regularly visit our licensed manufacturers on an unannounced, random basis. GoodWeave International’s Certification Division (GWI-CD) coordinates and oversees this team of inspectors, evaluates their findings, and implements the certification program that is at the heart of our work.

To learn more about how GWI-CD operates—including the stipulations behind our licensing and certification policies, please click here.
GWI-CD Personnel
Mathew John P. – GWI-CD Director
Email: Mathew@GoodWeave.net
John Chandapillai – Quality Manager
Email: John@GoodWeave.net
Certification Committee
The Certification Committee is responsible for decision-making on licensing and certification.
Country Office Contacts
Samjhana Pradhan – Executive Director
GoodWeave Certification Nepal
Email: Samjhana@GoodWeave.org
Umesh Kuinkel – Head of Inspection, Monitoring, and Certification
GoodWeave Certification Nepal
Email: Umesh@GoodWeave.org
Vinti Singal – Inspections, Monitoring and Certification Head
GoodWeave Certification Private Limited
Email: Vinti@GoodWeave.net
Navneet Singh – Manager of Business Development and Licensing
GoodWeave Certification Private Limited
Email: Navneet@GoodWeave.net