Theory of Change
GoodWeave addresses child and forced labor where it is most prevalent – in hidden, outsourced supply chains beyond factory walls. Our theory of change is as follows:
- First, we bring visibility to hidden workers and children: In response to market demand for the GoodWeave® certification label, companies partner with us to investigate their primary and subcontracted supplier networks. This access shines a light on previously unmonitored, hidden production sites revealing child and adult laborers who lack rights and protection.
- Second, we offer remedy: Unannounced inspections carried out at primary factories, as well as subcontracted and home-based worksites incentivize manufacturers to produce goods free from child and forced labor. When exploitation does occur, we ensure individuals are provided rehabilitative services and interventions.
- Third, we address root causes to prevent recurrence: Social programs in worker communities keep children in school and learning, as well as improve conditions and rights for vulnerable workers. Local stakeholders are engaged to advocate for equality, rights, education, and freedom.
- Finally, we promote best practice and build capacity in other organizations based on our model. We also implement innovative projects, conduct critical research, and advance advocacy and thought leadership to multiply and maximize our indirect impact.