Addressing Modern Slavery in the Bangladesh RMG Sector: Closing the evidence gap and informing solutions
June 20, 2023
A factory worker in Dhaka where the research project is taking place. Photo credit: GoodWeave International
“Addressing Modern Slavery in the Bangladesh RMG Sector: Closing the evidence gap and informing solutions” is a project implemented by GoodWeave International, with funding from the UK’s Home Office Modern Slavery Innovation Fund (MSIF). The project seeks to establish the first, comprehensive evidence-based research on the risk, prevalence, and root causes of modern slavery in Bangladesh’s ready-made garment (RMG) sector.
The project, which runs from January 2023 to March 2025, aims to understand these issues through rigorous research in partnership with the Rights Lab at Nottingham University, one of the leading modern slavery research institutes globally. In addition to conducting research, GoodWeave is partnering with four UK companies, their Bangladeshi suppliers, and local organizations to carry-out supply chain mapping and assessments to build visibility into outsourced supply chains, strengthen due diligence systems, and identify child and forced labor risks. Prevention strategies will be implemented including increasing rights awareness and access to social protection among vulnerable workers.