Evaluation Reports

End-Term Review of Sourcing Freedom: Expanding GoodWeave’s Work to Address Modern Slavery in UK Company Supply Chains
This independent evaluation (pages 8-9), conducted in 2019 by the UK Government’s Modern Slavery Innovation Fund, assesses the results of a two-year project to expand GoodWeave’s supply chain and preventative programming in India. The evaluation finds “strong evidence that Goodweave’s methodology can, over time, produce systemic and behavioural change in different stakeholders – ranging from suppliers, to individuals in bonded/child labour, government and middlemen.”

External Evaluation of GoodWeave’s Child Friendly Communities Programming
This report examines the impact of GoodWeave’s Child Friendly Communities (CFCs). Based in India, CFCs provide educational remediation programming and school enrollment assistance in communities where carpets, apparel, home textiles and tea are produced.

The Schooling Incentives Project Evaluation
A non-technical summary of “You Get What You Pay For: Schooling Incentives and Child Labor”, NBER Working Paper No. 19729, by Prof. Eric V. Edmonds and Maheshwor Shrestha for ICF International, 2013.

Weaving Opportunities in Nepal Mid-Term Evaluation Report
GoodWeave’s Weaving Opportunities program is a vocational training initiative for carpet weaving that began in 2013 to provide at-risk and impoverished women with marketable skills and to replenish the workforce with skilled adult weavers in an industry facing a labor shortage. To evaluate the program’s impact, GoodWeave assessed weavers placed in jobs to evaluate their change in income and earning potential.

Labor Link Survey in India
GoodWeave partnered with Good World Solutions (GWS) and the Labor Link platform to survey workers via mobile phones at GoodWeave inspected supply chains in India. The goal of the project was to provide data sourced anonymously and directly from workers, which can help to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the compliance procedures and determine the impact in the communities served.