Workers Rights Videos – Bangladesh

August 6, 2024

With generous funding from UK International Development from the UK government, GoodWeave has created four short videos on workers’ rights. These videos were developed to inform garment workers in Bangladesh about their rights in the workplace. The videos are in both English and Bangla. They address the most common risks that vulnerable workers face and provide them with strategies to address these risks. Workers are provided with contact information for the Bangladesh worker welfare hotline and two other helplines if they need assistance.

Bangla versions of the videos can be seen here.

GoodWeave Bangladesh Worker Rights Video Series: Child Labor Prevention & Young Worker Protection

Child labor is prohibited in Bangladesh and there are laws that protect adolescent workers from long hours and hazardous work. In this video, GoodWeave explains those protections and outlines what employers are allowed and not allowed to do when they hire workers between the ages of 14 and 18.


GoodWeave Bangladesh Worker Rights Series: Working hours, Overtime and Leave

In this video GoodWeave explains the basic rights that workers are entitled to, including working hours, overtime, leave and maternity benefits.


GoodWeave Bangladesh Worker Rights Series: Calculating Overtime

In this video, GoodWeave walks through the steps of calculating overtime payments according to the Bangladesh law, so workers can understand how much they should expect to get paid for the extra hours they work, over their regular working hours.


GoodWeave Bangladesh Worker Rights Series: Protections from Harassment

Women have a right to be protected from sexual harassment in the workplace. In this video, GoodWeave gives examples of the kinds of harassment that is not allowed and what women can do if they feel threatened or uncomfortable at work.