At the heart of what we do is the GoodWeave International Generic Standard: an assurance on behalf of importers and manufacturers that goods they make and sell are produced without child, forced or bonded labor. Complying with the Standard requires complete supply chain transparency verified by regular and unannounced inspections of all production facilities. Adherence to the Standard is reflected by the GoodWeave label on goods sold in the retail marketplace—a signal to consumers their purchase was produced ethically, and the manufacturer is committed to children’s welfare, worker’s rights and strengthened worker communities.
The Standard is comprised of two parts: Principles and Requirements and Sector-specific Scope, Claims and Labeling. The two-part Standard establishes the principles and requirements that are universal to all GoodWeave certified product categories. It is tailored to specific products through the scope, claim and labeling document that defines the specific details unique to a product category. The Standard is only complete when both components are applied.
Principles and Requirements
Scope, Claims and Labeling for Carpets
Scope, Claims and Labeling for Home Textiles
Scope, Claims and Labeling for Apparel, Fashion Jewelry and Accessories
Frequently Asked Questions on the GoodWeave International Generic Standard
Guidance for Users Complying with the GoodWeave International Generic Standard
Templates for Users Complying with the GoodWeave International Standard
- Eliminate child labor, forced labor, and bonded labor in high risk production sectors by ensuring compliance with the Standard and implementing effective and sustainable remediation procedures;
- Provide a coherent and consistent Standard that may be applied across all countries within the scope of the Standard, taking into account different production methods;
- Bring benefits to workers, particularly home-based workers who are often the most vulnerable in the supply chain;
- Facilitate transparent monitoring and verification of working conditions;
- Encourage positive changes in communities by reducing child labor, forced labor, and bonded labor, and increasing children’s access to education; and
- Provide an independent assurance through the GoodWeave certification for consumers worldwide that producers meet the Standard.
The Standard is based on three Certification Principles covering child labor, forced labor, and bonded labor, and the transparency needed to verify compliance.
- Principle A1: No child labor is allowed
- Principle A2: No forced or bonded labor is allowed
- Principle A3: Conditions of work are documented and verifiable
In addition to the Certification Principles, the Standard includes five Progress Principles which are designed to address a broader set of labor rights and environmental issues, but are not currently required for certification.
- Principle B1: No discrimination is practiced
- Principle B2: Freedom of association and collective bargaining are recognized
- Principle B3: Health and Safety
- Principle B4: Working hours, Wages and Benefits
- Principle B5: Environmental impact
GoodWeave is ISEAL Code compliant. Our system has been independently evaluated against ISEAL’s Codes of Good Practice – a globally recognized framework for effective, credible sustainability systems.
Our standard-setting and implementation process requires us to be rigorous and transparent in our work, include multi-stakeholder outreach and public engagement, field test, and more (see our policies and procedures). We are committed to refining and improving our programs, and finding new and better ways to achieve our mission to stop child labor in global supply chains.
We have an extensive collection of online resources for those interested in learning more.